Mr_o_uk’s Mildly Modded Metro

Next steps…

3D print a bracket to found between the fender and the old mounting bracket.

Fix the bracket on the tree…

Remove the reflectors, enlarge the holes and fit some indicators…

Add some cable management and a waterproof connector…

Fit the fender on the bike again, but the rear panel needs to be trimmed still…

Ended up cutting off more than that, but didn’t take a photo. Also filed it smooth.

The fender bolt hole didn’t line up with the bracket as it was slightly on the wonk. Not sure how I could have addressed this at the template stage, but with the rear panel fitted I heated the fender again, whilst in position, to try and manoeuvre it to be straight. Worked ok, but cracked some more paint.

Had to use bolts from below on the rear panel as it clashes with the rucku tree.

Final fit:

At some point I’ll have to sort the paint cracks and make it the same colour…

If anyone knows a paint code equivalent of the pb317 denim blue then let me know so I can get some paint made up. Thanks.

Some comparison photos…

I actually quite like how the old fender makes the bike look so low. It’s just too long and looks odd from different angles.

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